Sunday, September 25, 2016

Review: The Vow

The Details
Title: The Vow
Author: Laura Daleo
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Vampire
Length: 238 pages
Release Date: August 27, 2016
Medium: ebook (Netgalley)
Rating: 4/5
Pace: Medium/Fast
Stand Alone or Series: Stand Alone

“A vow of peace set forth this day, March 31st, 1885 joins mankind and vampire into one world ending all bloodshed between species”

The Goodreads Synopsis
Finals are over, and twenty-year-old Claire Matthews can hardly wait to begin summer break until...she arrives home to an army of police swarming her parents' front lawn. Detective Reynolds delivers the dreadful news that the man and woman inside the home are dead, and Claire is forced to identify their mummified bloodless bodies. Her world comes to a grinding halt when she learns that it is her mother and father who are the deceased, and her younger brother, JJ, is nowhere to be found. The predator accused...a vampire.

Claire is no stranger to vampires; in fact, these days' vamps are a dime a dozen. One-hundred-thirty years ago a vow was made, combining the two worlds. A vampire's survival no longer required a human sacrifice. Vampire Centers were created, offering human blood through transfusion; yet, why were her parents bled dry? Why now? What changed? Could a rogue vampire be responsible? Was it possible vampires, Nate and Parker, JJ's best friends, suddenly hungered for human blood?

The Review
The vampire vow is being broken by none other than a human! Claire is home for vacation from college and comes to find cops at family home.  Welcome home, please identify your dead parents…. Her suspenseful quest to find her parents murderer and locate her missing brother kept me guessing all the way to the end. I was sucked in from the very first page. I loved the new take on the vampire culture and the vow, leading to vampire centers where they get their blood through transfusion was a new one for me. Even though there’s a top of the line detective on the case, Claire will do whatever it takes to solve the mystery.

I felt a bit cut off at the end of the book, not enough to say a cliff hanger was there, but enough to have questions lingering. I just want to know what happens to them all in the next year …

The Characters
Claire Mathews is a reckless 20-something college student who does whatever it takes for her family. She is a strong willed individual, but continuously puts her life in danger!

Connor the most admired vampire at the center becomes mesmerized by Claire. He was a fun character to try to understand.

The Style
This book was easy to follow and had a forward moving pace. I was a bit distracted by some of the grammatical errors, but not enough to make me dislike the book.

The Recommendation
I recommend this to all vampire/paranormal lovers. Young adults will also enjoy this take on romance and adventure. I really liked the book and look forward to reading more from this author.  

* This was provided by NetGalley for an honest review.*

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