Wednesday, January 4, 2017

#T5W: Goals (01/04/2017)

Today’s Top 5 Wednesday topic is Goals. These do not need to be reading goals specifically, they can be any goals you want to talk about. Reading goals, blog/channel/instagram goals, personal goals...anything!

This year I have many goals I want to accomplish in my life. I have book goals, lifestyle goals, and career goals, below are just a few.

  1. BLOG! I have been without internet so it makes it difficult to update my blog. I want to get myself to go out to the library or another place with free wi-fi. Such as, Barnes and Noble, where I am now!
  2. Read 52 books. In 2016 my goal was to read 24 books (2 per month). I reached that goal by reading 30 books. I was in a rut for the first few months of the year and a couple minor ones throughout. My goal is to keep pushing through those ruts by reading middle grade or other shorter and simpler books. Add me on Goodreads!
  3. Kanksbooklife Instagram. I have been lacking on this front as well. I have been traveling the country with my boyfriend in a semi and have only been reading e-books. They aren’t as great to photograph. I hope to spend more time with my physical books now that I am not gone for a month at a time.
  4. Health. I want to improve my overall health. Make healthier choices, exercise, and hopefully lose a few pounds. I really want to improve my stamina and mood as well.
  5. CTMH. I recently became a Close to my Heart Independent Consultant. I have tons of goals for that alone, but the first and foremost is to keep up with it. I plan to create a blog and already have an Intagram.

For more information on #T5W check out my Introduction to Top5 Wednesday post.